Residents enjoy a blooming great day out

SIX residents, two family members and carers from a dementia care home in Wellington, were among the many happy visitors to the annual Taunton Flower Show.

Armed with a picnic and keen to sample ice-creams in the sunshine, the group from Camelot House and Lodge took full advantage of their day out and were full of praise for the floral displays and entertainments, especially the sheep dog display and the falconry show.

Manager Zillah Oakes said: “We are so lucky to have this amazing show practically on our doorstep.

“Our residents said they thought it was better than going to Chelsea, and several of them remembered that it’s the oldest flower show in the country.

“It was lovely to have the opportunity to have a wander round the floral classes’ marquees, where the scent of the flowers was absolutely gorgeous and very much appreciated by our ladies and gents.

“Many of them were formerly keen gardeners and they have a real appreciation of a good bloom.

“We also had a peek at the South West Honey Show and the Wine Show, and enjoyed the Rock Choir and other activities. There really was something for everyone.”

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