Campaigner’s open letter to Prime Minister

A SOCIAL care leader has written an open letter to the Prime Minister, urging him to end the scandal of 1.6m older, vulnerable and disabled people being forced to live without the care they need.

Mike Padgham, who chairs The Independent Care Group, said: “Enough is enough. Too many people are living without the care they need to enjoy a decent quality of life and that is a scandal that shames us as a country.

“It is time that the new Government acknowledged that there is a problem and showed that they intend to so something about it.”

In his letter to the Prime Minister, Mike invites Sir Keir Starmer and his health and social care team to sit down with providers and seek solutions to the current crisis.

And he urges the Prime Minister to spare the sector further cuts in the much-feared October budget but instead be as bold in his reform of social care as Nye Bevan was when he set up the NHS, in 1948.

In the letter, Mike writes: “Without proper support for social care and the creation of a sector that can offer care, when and where it is needed, the NHS will stay on its knees. 

“There are 1.6m people who cannot get the care they need and many thousands in hospital because there is no social care available for them. This is our mothers and fathers, our aunts and uncles, brothers, sisters and friends. This is a scandal that shames us as a country. For too long those who benefit from social care and those who provide it have waited patiently in the queue for our turn, but that turn never comes.

“We must switch resources from the NHS into social care to pay staff properly and fill the 131,000 staff vacancies to give care to those who can’t access it and to free up hospital beds. This would eventually save the NHS money.”

Mike says the social care sector was disappointed that Labour went back on a pre-election promise to introduce the cap on social care costs but was still prepared to give the new administration the benefit of the doubt, provided it showed some signs of introducing reform.

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