Clients have magical time at social event

CLIENTS had a magical time at the latest social event organised by Westmorland Homecare’s South Lakeland branch, which is based in Kendal.

Sixteen clients and five members of staff were at The Ruth Pedley Building at Beezon Fields in the town, where they were entertained by Manchester magician Chris Hurst.

They were served tea and coffee, cakes and other treats and were wowed by Chris’s amazing magic tricks.

Westmorland Homecare’s recruitment coordinator Jack Monopoli said the company held client social events every quarter.

“It’s an opportunity for our wonderful clients to get involved with the community and enjoy delightful, fun-filled activities,” he added.

“These gatherings are more than just a fun day out—they are a lifeline for many of our clients, providing a crucial opportunity to socialise, make new friends and break free from the isolation that can often accompany ageing or living with health challenges.

“At Westmorland Homecare, we believe in the power of community and the joy of shared experiences. Each social is thoughtfully planned to ensure everyone, regardless of their abilities, can participate and enjoy.”

Jack added that Chris had brought a touch of wonder to the most recent social event, captivating the audience with his sleight of hand, mind-bending tricks and charismatic presence.

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