Group stages local demonstration over reform

A NORTH Yorkshire social care company is staging a demonstration to call for urgent Government reform and is urging other providers to do something similar to support a national day of action.

Some staff from Saint Cecilia’s will gather at its nursing home in Scarborough on February 25 to call on the Government to save social care.

At the same time, Saint Cecilia’s executive chairman Mike Padgham and director Aaron Padgham will be representing the company and The Independent Care Group at the national day of action in London.

Mike said: “We are campaigning for social care reform to happen and to happen now, not wait until the results of the commission on social care, which won’t finally report until 2028, which is too long to wait.

“We have already been waiting more than 30 years for reform and cannot wait any longer. The Government cannot fix the NHS without fixing social care first.

“Social care providers have an abundance of experience and expertise and are ready, willing and able to work with the Government to find solutions, all we seek is the opportunity.”

The day of action, organised by Providers Unite, a coalition of social care representatives, will call on the Government to review the impact the proposed increase in Employer’s National Insurance Contributions and rise in the National Living Wage will have on social care. 

Campaigners want the Government to make social care exempt from the National Insurance increase or make more funding available to help social care providers meet rising costs.

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