Home with ‘bug hotels’ celebrates new green initiatives 

HC-One’s Fleming Court Care Home in Jesmond, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, is celebrating World Environment Day today by highlighting its eco-friendly initiatives.

World Environment Day is the United Nations’ Day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. This year’s theme focuses on areas including land restoration and drought resilience, with activity termed ‘Generation Restoration’.

Fleming Court plans to utilise its sizeable outdoor space to maximum effect by adopting several green initiatives. Projects include several quirky ‘bug hotels’ and a bee garden to help foster biodiversity.

Further eco-friendly measures include planters that have been added to the garden to help grow a range of herbs, vegetables, and flowers. The planters will also help attract the bees to the garden area of Fleming Court.

The three bug hotels in Fleming Court’s garden area were hand-painted by residents and were positioned in tree branches where they are currently being well-frequented by local wildlife. The aim is for the bug hotels to entice a plentiful array of bugs and insects into the garden.

The bug hotels project is the handiwork of Fleming Court’s wellbeing coordinators Michelle Shotton and Lisa Wood. The idea was discovered after they spoke to residents about refreshing the garden.

Michelle said: “Our garden projects are focused on inclusivity, and this extends to our residents’ families – we want to get people of all ages involved. Several relatives of our residents have kindly offered to help with planting.

“A relative of a resident at Fleming Court also shared a story with us about their grandson who started beekeeping, which shows how we’re involving everyone. It’s a team effort and we’re really enjoying it.”

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