Homecare provider plans special event to enrich lives of clients 

A HOMECARE provider is to hold a special event to help enrich the lives of its clients and raise money for a cancer charity.

Westmorland Homecare’s Lancaster and Morecambe branch has organised a coffee afternoon at Slyne with Hest Church Hall on Tuesday, September 3 from 1.30pm to 4pm.

The event is the latest in a series of ‘client socials’, but this time the company has opened it up to anyone in the community who would like to come.

“It is free to attend but we would encourage people to give a donation, as little or large as they can manage, for Macmillan Cancer Support,” said Rhianna Wilson, Westmorland Homecare’s recruitment and events coordinator at the Lancaster and Morecambe branch.

“We are trying to raise money for charity but if we just have people’s attendance and company that will be enough.”

The branch organises client socials about every three months. “It is always free of charge for our clients,” added Rhianna. “We always pick them up from home and take them back again afterwards.

“We have a broad range of clients – our youngest is 19 years old and our oldest is 102 – and they really enjoy the social side and getting together. 

“At one social we reunited some old friends. Neither knew the other was a client of Westmorland Homecare. When they arrived, they locked eyes across the room and it turned out they were friends who had not seen each other for around 30 years.”

Staff at Westmorland Homecare’s Lancaster and Morecambe branch preparing for the coffee afternoon. From left: Brenda Cambridge, Fliss Dixon, Ashleigh Bird and Rhianna Wilson.

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