Residents form friendships with ‘pen pals’ at primary school

RESIDENTS at Millway House are all smiles after making friends with children at a local primary school via a dedicated ‘pen pal’ scheme. 

The nurse-led care home has teamed up with Farleigh School in Red Rice and residents have each ‘buddied up’ with pupils. 

The children have been regularly writing to their pen pals and have sent celebratory cards on special occasions. 

Home manager Claire Lousteau said: “Developing connections with younger generations can help older adults feel a greater sense of fulfilment, and it has been wonderful to see the boost these new friendships have brought to our residents. 

“To see the smiles on each of their faces when they receive a letter or card from their pen pals, is just lovely, and we’re all looking forward to taking the trip out to watch cricket in the summer.”

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