Residents’ space odyssey is out of this world 

INTREPID care home residents took the chance to boldly go and have fun on International Space Day.

Homes run by Colten Care in Hampshire and Dorset transformed themselves into universes far, far away.

At Court Lodge in Lymington, some clever redecorating turned the lounge into a walk-in space shuttle complete with night sky and lunar background.

One small step inside gave each exploring resident the chance to admire the moon and stars through a galaxy projector.  

They also enjoyed launching toy rockets for a friendly space race, meeting a visiting astronaut and sampling homemade space cakes.

At The Aldbury, Colten’s dedicated dementia care home in Poole, residents painted representations of the planets on cards which were used to model the solar system.

An alien visitor made an appearance as residents had their pictures taken against a spaceship backdrop, abducting the home’s gardener Brett Gill in the process.

The Aldbury resident John Brian Masters is pictured with companionship team leader Sue Miles.

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