Residents welcome adorable animal visitors

LIFE is never dull at Old Raven House, especially when residents find themselves sharing their lounge with two lively young goats. 

The residents of the Hook care home were treated to a delightful surprise, thanks to Caroline Seignot of Pony Pals and her beloved animals.

Caroline’s visits are always a highlight, bringing joy and excitement to the residents. Residents had the opportunity to feed and groom the animals, creating a bond with their furry visitors. 

Home manager Anne Turner said: “It’s wonderful to see our residents so happy and engaged. Caroline’s visits with her animals bring a special kind of joy that stays with us long after the animals have gone. 

“Our activities programme aims to provide diverse and meaningful experiences, and today was a perfect example of that.”

The goats, curious and energetic, explored every nook and cranny of the lounges, turning the spaces into their personal playgrounds.

Laughter and smiles filled the rooms as the goats clambered over furniture and interacted with the residents. 

This visit is part of Old Raven House’s varied and engaging activities programme, designed to enrich the lives of its residents and provide memorable experiences. The home prides itself on creating an environment where residents can enjoy unique and uplifting activities.

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