Stan wows care home residents

RESIDENTS at Millway House could hardly believe their eyes when they welcomed Stan, a Red-Eyed White rabbit who weighs in at a whopping 12kg, into the Andover care home. 

One-year-old Stan was brought into Millway by Rachel Cavill from Show Tell and Talk Animals, and everyone at the nurse-led care home was won over by the bunny’s huge frame. Joined by a Black Rex rabbit called Onyx, and a Dwarf Lop named Twiggy, Stan made the ‘biggest’ impression by far. 

Home manager Claire Lousteau said: “Interacting with different animals has a hugely positive impact on our residents’ wellbeing, and having our rabbit guests in has been fantastic. 

“We were all in awe of Stan – he is bigger than any rabbits we’ve seen before but is also so calm – he will be talked about here for many weeks and months to come, I’m sure.” 

Residents at the care home were unable to comprehend how big the mammoth bunny was and couldn’t wait to lavish him with attention. His bunny companions, Onyx and Twiggy were also given plenty of strokes and cuddles. 

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