Exotic animals amaze residents

RESIDENTS at RMBI Care Co. Home Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Court enjoyed a visit from a wide range of exotic creatures including a giant snail, a snake, a gecko and a chinchilla to mark National Pet Month.

The residents at the Wokingham facility were astonished and delighted to meet the animals, who were brought in by a specialist from Wild Science, an organisation that promotes animal education and animal therapy. 

Residents had the opportunity to learn interesting facts about the animals’ habitat, diet and welfare.   

Sharon Fletcher, one of the activities coordinators at Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Court, said: “It was really lovely to see the residents’ faces light up when these animals came in. They brought joy to our residents, boosted their mood and encouraged social interaction.”

The home also has two guinea pigs, Elvis and Ginger Stripe, who have become everyone’s pets. 

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