King Charles III retains role as Abbeyfield patron

HIS Majesty King Charles III will continue his patronage of The Abbeyfield Society. 

The decision follows a comprehensive review of more than 1,000 royal patronages conducted by the Royal Household after the King’s accession in September 2022.

The King initially took up his role as patron of Abbeyfield in 1979 when he was the Prince of Wales. Abbeyfield has grown considerably over this time and now provides support and care to more than 6,000 older people worldwide, delivered by its large network of supported housing schemes, care homes and independent living complexes. 

More recently, the organisation in the UK has been represented on the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People and has sponsored the APPG’s latest enquiry into the regeneration of outdated sheltered housing.

As Prince of Wales, His Majesty visited many Abbeyfield services, always taking the time to speak to residents and to thank staff and volunteers for their incredible efforts. 

He also lent his insignia to the organisation’s Royal Patron’s Awards, presented annually to a select few staff and volunteers who have made an outstanding contribution to Abbeyfield’s work.

HRH Prince Charles is pictured on a previous visit to Abbeyfield house.

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