Resident and chef win first prize at Lindfield Village Day

FURZE Field Manor resident Derek John Forster, 91, and head chef Paul Smith have won first prize in the celebration cake category at the 46th annual Lindfield Village Day.

The annual community event features more than 120 stalls, a competition tent, a children’s dog show, a food and drink quarter and an arena for afternoon events and games. 

This year’s celebration saw the return of the procession down the High Street, with hundreds of villagers participating.

Derek, a former Shell employee with a passion for traditional jazz, classical music, and brass bands, has been an avid baker since his retirement. 

He said: “We wanted to create something that would represent Furze Field Manor and bring joy to the community. Winning first prize is a wonderful recognition of our teamwork and passion for baking.”

Paul, who has been a chef for 20 years, previously worked in management for corporate catering companies and served as head chef at a retirement village. 

He added: “Working with Derek has been an absolute pleasure. His enthusiasm for baking and keen eye for detail made this collaboration truly special. We’re thrilled to have our cake recognised for its flavour and decoration.”

The judge praised their cake as a “perfect showstopper for any celebration,” noting that it delivered on both flavour and decoration. 

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