Residents pay homage to Titanic hero

RESIDENTS at RMBI Care Co. Home Shannon Court in Hindhead visited the Philips Memorial Park in Godalming. 

Accompanied by the home’s activities coordinators Kata Beauchemin and Leah Oliver, they visited the park’s memorial cloister. It was built in memory of John George Philips, the chief telegraphist on the Titanic, which sank on April 14, 1912.

Philip’s last message was picked up by another ship at 2.17am that night, and the Titanic foundered at 2.20am. His heroism and devotion to duty reduced the magnitude of the disaster regarding the amount of lives lost.

“These trips always spark some reminiscing,” said Kata. “It helps the residents bring back memories from their day trips when they were younger, which is fantastic for their mental health.” 

The residents, who paid their respect, were moved by Philip’s persistence and bravery. They all reflected on the fact that he lived so close to where Shannon Court stands today. 

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