Reverend Lys brings Easter joy to her care home

REVEREND Lys Carroll will be bringing light into lives this Easter, as she leads a special service at Thornton Hall and Lodge where she resides.

Lys has made the Crosby care home her home for the past three years; she also performs a weekly service in the home’s own multi-faith chapel.

Thornton Hall is part of the Orchard Care Homes group and specialises in dementia and respite care. As part of the Orchard ethos, those making their home there are helped to personalise their bedroom around their life history to trigger happy memories from the past, plus getting involved in everyday activities as they would in their own home.

While Lys, 86, admits she wasn’t keen to move into the Orchard Care Homes group run facility to start with, now she says she loves life at Thornton Hall, thanks to those who work and live there and the fun activities that take place daily.

She is an avid and competitive Scrabble player and takes part in weekly competitions with her friends at the home.

She also performs a service every Thursday in Thornton Hall’s on-site multi-faith chapel. Everyone is welcome to attend, including family members.

Lys said: “I love using my previous experiences to benefit the home. A public reverend joins some weeks called Poppy, and she is impressed with my service.”

She has thrown herself into life in Thornton Hall, Lys often helps her fellow residents if they are worried about anything, and colleagues often ask her to help settle people in.

Prior to her life in the church, Lys who was born in Motherwell in Scotland, trained as a medical laboratory technologist in London.

However she felt a calling to become a missionary – and ventured to south India to work at a blood bank. 

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