Shortlisting success at the prestigious William Rathbone X Awards

SUZANNE Mumford, Care UK’s head of nursing, care and dementia, has been shortlisted for the prestigious William Rathbone X Award for Excellence in the Executive Nurse Leadership of Community Nursing Services.

William Rathbone X served as a Council member of the Queen’s Nursing Institute from 1974 until his passing in 2022. This Award, named in his honour, gives recognition of the impact of strategic nursing leadership, including support for colleagues and positive outcomes for patients or residents.

Suzanne works collaboratively with colleagues to develop nursing, care and dementia strategies that ensure the highest standards of care delivery to over 9,000 residents at Care UK. 

Suzanne is a visible role model to nursing and care colleagues, supporting a consistent and sustainable approach that embeds evidence-based practice.

Since taking up her role in 2019, Suzanne has led several significant initiatives, including the focus on detrimental prescribing and administration of psychotropic medication for people living with dementia. Alongside her team of dementia specialist nurses, Suzanne has reduced the use of antipsychotic drugs for residents with dementia, who do not have a psychotic illness, down by 15 percentage points. This was achieved through educating teams, evaluating causes of distress and behaviours colleagues found challenging, and developing and implementing a programme of positive support. 

The award ceremony will be held, and winners will be announced, on Friday, May 10 in London.

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