Young and old come together for Children’s Art Week

CHILDREN from Little Peeps nursery in Cheadle visited residents at Cheadle Manor Care Centre to create a masterpiece for Children’s Art Week.

An annual event that takes place in July, Children’s Art Week celebrates creativity in children of all ages supporting and encouraging artistic development, making art more accessible and inspiring young people to take part in an art-related activity or workshop.

Six of the three and four-year-old pre-schoolers from Little Peeps made the short walk to spend the morning with 10 residents at Cheadle Manor, working together to create the masterpiece which has now been displayed in the care home’s lounge for all to enjoy.

Wellbeing coordinator Sammy Jacklin said: “Children’s Art Week provided the perfect opportunity for a get together with our neighbours from Little Peeps.  

“There is something so wonderful about the way the Little Peeps children light up the room when they come here to Cheadle Manor and the way they interact with our residents is truly magical. 

“It was great to see everyone’s energy focussed on the art project which turned out incredibly well and is now in the lounge for all to see.”

Working with brushes and paints and occasionally their hands, young and old alike had free reign with the fresco that took shape on a giant sheet of white paper stretched across a canvas frame.  The result is an outdoor scene complete with blue sky, a tree and assortment of different animals.

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